
NAME: Himura Kenshin

AGE: 28

TECHNIQUE: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu

WEAPON: Sakaba sword

Kenshin tired of his journey as a Rurouni and decided to live with Kaoru at the Kamiya Dojo. He cooks, cleans, does food shopping, and says "Oro?" whenever he gets confused.

NAME: Kamiya Kaoru

AGE: 17

TECHNIQUE: Kamiya Katsushin Ryu

WEAPON: bamboo sword, wooden sword

Kaoru is a sweet, yet occasionally short-tempered woman. Learning Kamiya Katsushin Ryu from her father, she later began to teach it for a living at her dojo. Although it seems that she is constantly punching the living daylights out of Kenshin, she truly has feelings for him.

NAME: Myojin Yahiko

AGE: 10

TECHNIQUE: Kamiya Katsushin Ryu

WEAPON: bamboo sword

Yahiko is a student of Kaoru. Both she and Kenshin rescued him from a group of gangsters who forced Yahiko to steal for them, and now he also lives at the Kamiya Dojo. He is quite an immature kid, frequently trying to fight people who are twice his size.

NAME: Sagara Sanosuke

AGE: 19

TECHNIQUE: Futae No Kiwami

WEAPON: fists

Sanosuke originally used a Zanba sword (which is a sword with an extremely large iron blade), but Kenshin destroyed it when he fought him. After he was defeated by Kenshin, Sanosuke became his friend. One of the things he loves to do is look for people to fight, and he is often too stubborn to acknowledge the limits of his strength.

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